Canadian prospect Taylor Elgersma hopes to enter the NFL WITHOUT having played in the NCAA.
For most players, the path to the NFL goes through American college football and the NCAA. Taylor Elgersma is focused on forging a different path. From snowshoes to an NFL camp. His journey continues at the Senior Bowl.
A product of Canadian Wilfred Laurier University in Waterloo, Ontario, Elgersma has accepted his invite to Mobile and is being pumped up by NFL scout Jim Nagy. In 2024, Elgersma went undefeated, carried a better than 2:1 TD:INT rate, and had a 74.5% completion percentage.
While his production doesn’t translate directly, it does show that there is something special about him. As well, a Senior Bowl invite doesn’t guarantee a draft spot, but that’s likely not Elgersma’s goal. The more teams see him up close, the more likely some team sees a Tyson Bagent-type, and the chance of Elgersma getting an UDFA deal increases.